Our story
Distribution Innovation, a Schibsted and Amedia company, was established in 2001 to enhance logistics in Norway by providing comprehensive solutions for the entire distribution value chain, from order placement to delivery into the customer's hands. Over time, we have grown into a top-tier IT logistics firm in the Nordic region and aim to be the driving force behind the transformation of newspaper distribution to parcels.
At DI, we have the opportunity to collaborate with industry-leading companies, including VG, HeltHjem, Morgenlevering, and many others who require exceptional distribution services. Our solutions play a critical role in ensuring the prompt and reliable delivery of parcels and newspapers to consumers' doorsteps.
Our mission
Powered by DI - Together we shall challenge the way the world thinks and works, powering sustainable and environmentally friendly deliveries. Our mission is to empower distributors and media houses with ultramodern tools, enabling optimal distribution efficiency.
As the market changes rapidly, DI is determined to deliver top-notch products that help solve our customer’s current challenges. Through our innovative technology, we help both billion dollar companies as well as small local papers.

At DI, we are using modern technologies. We’re working with the entire value chain of distribution, from order to delivery into the hands of our customers. We are the technology behind morgenlevering.no, helthjem.no, and many other innovative companies. The technology we provide reaches far and wide:
Newspapers: Powering the delivery of all the newspapers in Norway, and over 90% of the market in Sweden and a number of customers in Finland.
Parcels: Providing a network with over 15 000 couriers we have a complete reach of delivering parcels for the nordic countries.
Our solutions are made using Java, React, React Native, Spring Boot containerized with Kubernetes. We run everything in AWS and prefer Serverless and Managed Services. We use Terraform and Terragrunt to deploy applications and infrastructure. We have a cloud and security mindset and embrace change and learning.

Workplace and Culture
In DI, we have a typical scale-up vibe. Because of our flat structure, openness, and transparency, everyone feels welcomed and a part of something great. Our team consists of highly dedicated and educated experts and specialists within system and application development, IT architecture, product innovation, business development, and project management. As part of a flat organization, you will have a strong voice when working on projects and discussing tech strategies.

It’s safe to say we know each other well, and love to arrange social events, in and outside the office. We believe in scheduling team-building activities, dinners, and after work beer regularly to stay connected across teams. Working from Akersgata 55 in central Oslo, we share facilities with other Schibsted companies. In our building, you can find a gym, rooftop terrace, top-notch cantina, and fantastic colleagues.
Our products
We offer the technological infrastructure that powers businesses involved in delivering and producing products to customers, providing solutions for first, mid, and last mile delivery.
Our portfolio includes:
DI Buddy - Our delivery app helping couriers deliver products to customers. Combined with our distribution technology the carriers are able to deliver packages and newspapers with state of the art GPS solutions.
DAP - Our data analytics platform leveraging machine learning that provides data and insight for our customers.
DI Retailer - Powering all the retailers in Norway to be able to sell the daily newspapers and magazines in stores.
Route planning system - Helping customers create routes, facilitate and optimize distribution products.
DI Cargostream - A solution for efficiently handling parcels in the value chain. It allows for tracking, sorting, deviation handling and other configurations.
Today, our technology enables more than 2.2 million deliveries every day, executed by over 15 000 couriers in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. We are the technology behind morgenlevering.no and helthjem.no.
Holiday benefits 🌴
5 weeks holiday per year plus 2 additional days to do something you like - travel, learn something new, spend time with family and friends, or something else.
Modern technology 🖥
For us, technology is what ties everything we do together, and what makes us stand out. We work with the newest technology, making sure we always grow in the ever-changing world of tech.
Workspace flexibility 🏡
We trust our employees in deciding when and how to get the job done. We offer a hybrid work environment, but would of course like to see you 3 days in the office per week.
Modern and central offices 🏢
Extremely nice offices located in the Schibsted Building at Akersgata 55. Here, you can find our gym, rooftop terrace, top-notch cantina, and fantastic colleagues.
A great social environment 🎉
We have lots of social activities here, including gaming communities, team-building activities, after-work beers, dinners, and much more.
Excellent insurance and pension schemes 🛡️
We offer terrific pension, in addition to travel insurance for business trips, health insurance, and personal insurance.
Great deals within Schibsted 📢
Being a part of Schibsted we give our employees free access and offer great deals. These include free subscription to Podme and VG+, discounts on SATS, restaurants, and a lot more!
Growth and personal development 🌱
We are a relatively small company where everyone are able to expand their responsibility and their role. We are also a part of the bigger community of Schibsted enabling us with great opportunities within coursing.
About the roles
We seek dedicated and motivated individuals who are committed to professional growth and continued learning. As a member of our team, you will play a vital role in shaping our company's future development and decision-making processes.
Our team collaborates with Schibsted's open source community. As part of a Schibsted-owned company, you will have the opportunity to engage with passionate developers from VG, FINN.no, Morgenlevering.no, and other leading brands.
You will get the opportunity to influence how the company and our solutions look in the long and short term. You will also take part in a team with a passion for creativity and problem-solving, and work with colleagues who like to be social and have fun together.
Product owner - Logistikk teknologi
Vi utvider nå produktteamet vårt med en ny Product Owner!
Vårt produkt team består av fagområdene produktledelse, UX & brukeropplevelse, kommersialisering, prising, og produktmarkedsføring. Vi er samlet ansvarlig for selskapets nåværende og fremtidige produktportefølje. Fra produktstratstrategi, mål og kundenes behov sikrer vi reell kundeverdi, gode løsninger og produkt-markedstilpasning i våre leveranser. Vi er oppdatert på kunde- og konsumentbehov og trender i logistikkmarkedet, særlig innenfor Last Mile og mediedistribusjon. Vi søker kontinuerlig etter å tilby fremtidsrettede og skalerbare produkter til våre nåværende og fremtidige kunder.
Som Product Owner vil du være en viktig del av dette teamet. En Product Owner i DI har ansvar for et definert markedsområde og det utvalget av produkter vi leverer der. I et slikt område vil du være ansvarlig for å sikre gjennomføring av leveransene våre. Du vil fungere som den operative lederen og driveren for et tverrfaglig team. Du vil sikre at alle i teamet forstår hva som skal leveres fra dag til dag, og i et lenger perspektiv. Du vil ha ansvar for Product Backlog og hvordan denne utvikles over tid for å sikre at vi leverer mest mulig verdi til kundene. Som Product Owner vil du være skjæringspunktet mellom utvikling, produktledelse, drift og kundeteam. Du vil samarbeide tett med Product Manager og resten av produktteamet for å utfordre og definere våre planer fremover.
Som Product Owner vil ditt domene være teknologi for distribusjon og logistikk, eksempelvis optimering, planlegging av distribusjonsruter og transport.
• Sammen med Product Manager eie strategien og verdiforslaget for ditt produkt område
• Eie product backlog, inkludert forankre og bearbeide denne aktivt
• Ansvarlig for at produktutviklingen følger produktets mål og verdiforslag
• Være et bindeledd mellom kunder, forretning og utvikling
• Løpende følge opp og samarbeide med utviklerteam for å sikre fremdrift, måloppnåelse - og ikke minst samarbeid og trivsel
• Sørge for optimal ressursutnyttelse av tilgjengelige ressurser og effektive arbeidsprosesser
• Ha løpende dialog med Customer Success Managers og support-ansvarlige for å sikre god drift og kundetilfredshet
• Sikre oppfølging av KPIer / målsettinger på kort / lang sikt som måler “helsen” til produktområdet/produktene
Hvem vi ser etter:
• Du evner å arbeide selvstendig, ta valg og har høy gjennomføringsevne
• Du brenner for å utvikle gode produkter og tjenester
• Du har en strukturert og analytisk tilnærming til arbeidet
• Du elsker å se at kundene bruker tjenestene våre til å oppnå fantastiske ting
• Du evner å forstå komplekse problemstillinger og sammenhenger
• Du utfordrer det etablerte, ønsker å bidra og utvikle dine ansvarsområder fremover
• Du er god til å skape forståelse for hva vi skal gjøre, samt hvorfor og hvordan - både internt til f.eks. Customer Success Manager og utviklingsteam, men også til kundene
• Du er en lagspiller som trives i et miljø med ambisiøse, kryssfunksjonelle team
• Erfaring med produkteierskap og/eller forretningsutvikling
• God teknisk forståelse og erfaring, samt interesse for å forstå og jobbe med et teknisk perspektiv
• Erfaring med agil utviklingsmetodikk, f.eks. ulike rammeverk som Scrum eller Kanban
• Erfaring med å strukturere arbeid, håndtere endringer og gjennomføre
• Relevant høyere utdanning (relevant og god erfaring kan veie opp for manglende utdanning)
• Gode engelsk og norskkunnskaper
Vårt løfte til deg
Vi kan love deg en stilling hvor du har ansvar for produktene (teknologi) som endrer hvordan nordiske mediedistribusjon tilbyr sin logistikk, og som vekker internasjonal oppsikt. Du vil jobbe i en bedrift hvor det er høyt engasjement, mye erfaring og kunnskap - både fra selskapets 20 års erfaring i bransjen og gjennom vårt tette samarbeid med kunder og brukere.
Som leverandør av logistikk til mediedistribusjonen er vi en del av en kritisk samfunnsfunksjon, og du vil kjenne på den ansvarsfølelsen og dedikasjonen vi og våre kunder har for å drive dette fremover, i dag og fremtiden. Hos oss er det å utforske bruk av ny teknologi en sentral del av det vi gjør, og du vil bli utfordret til å finne smarte løsninger på komplekse problemer.
Kjenner du deg selv igjen i denne stillingen?
Søk på Product ownerSenior Backend/Fullstack Developer
As Senior Developer at DI, you will be responsible for building our mico-service APIs and integrations with Spring Boot, PostgreSQL in AWS. The services are cloud native, and deploys in Docker containers in Kubernetes.
As a Senior Developer at DI, you will take a significant part in a tech company that is growing and expanding into new markets. Here, you can become a part of something bigger.
Who are you?
• First and foremost, we hope you love technology as much as us!
• We are looking for you who like to build solid Java and Serverless apps.
• Skilled in developing highly scalable and robust backend services in a cloud-based environment.
• You have 5 years of experience or more. Higher education in IT.
• Experience with Kubernetes, AWS, DevOps, and CI/CD is a plus.
• Inhabit excellent communication skills in Norwegian or English.
What will you do?
• Create microservices and integrate with other APIs and services.
• Participate in deciding architecture and which libraries to use.
• Provide the entire life cycle of a system; idea, architecture, implementation, deployment, and execution in production.
• Participate early in the planning of new solutions.
Do you think you are a good fit for this position?
Apply for Senior Backend/Fullstack DeveloperCloud Architect / Data Engineer
As a Cloud Architect / Data Engineer, you will join our Foundations team and have a significant impact on our company’s success.
In Foundations, we work with AWS, DevOps, DevSecOps, platform, and infrastructure to enable our product teams to deliver high quality solutions rapidly and securely. The role will also be involved in maintaining our newly formed Analytics platform (DAP).
We're seeking an individual who can drive foundational changes and lead maintenance efforts within our team. You should be able to critically assess serverless components and their interactions, optimizing our architecture for seamless and efficient operation. You will lead our work with AWS and stay updated on relevant features to improve our solutions.
Who are you?
• First and foremost, we hope you love technology as much as us!
• Hands-on experience with AWS for at least a couple of years.
• You like working in interdisciplinary teams and thrive with working on many different tasks and problem-solving.
• Interest in learning and trying out new technologies.
• Higher education in IT. Inhabit excellent communication skills in Norwegian or English.
What will you do?
• At DI, we work with modern technologies. For this position, you will work in AWS, Terraform, and other scripting or programming languages.
• Define and implement improvements to our cloud platform and infrastructure
• Maintenance of our Analytics Platform on AWS.
• Architect and configure cloud services through infrastructure as code.
• Enable other development teams to utilise the AWS cloud platform.
• Stay updated with the latest AWS services and features to continuously enhance the platform's capabilities.
Do you think you are a good fit for this position?
Apply for Cloud Architect / Data EngineerWork with amazing people

"I appreciate working closely with customers to create the best tools for the job. Rapid feedback and good communication is key for successful software development."

"In addition to having a great tech environment, DI’s trust to its employees creates a flexible, effective and fun workday."
Interview process and what to expect

You find a position and the company interesting and we think that's fun. We will read through the application and invite you further in the process if we think there may be a potential match. Either way, you will hear from us.
A quick conversation with a recruiter where you can get answers to any questions you may have and we can clarify a few things.
We invite you into the office to meet your manager and others from the company to get an insight into the role, the company and what it's like to work with us. We also want to get to know you and your experience. There will be an opportunity to get answers to any questions you may have.
We want to see and hear your thoughts on solving various problems you may face with us. It will be a case that you get to work on a bit at home before we talk about it in the interview.
We would like to speak to some of the people you have worked with. We are therefore going to ask you for contact information for a couple of people and that you let us know that we are going to get in touch.