Bugfix to handle the cases where addresses are entered as a block but without floors and households. In these cases AddressHelper thought that the address was not complete.
1.1.1 (was released 07.03.2019)
Bugfix: When wanting to change house number (going back to the field), it was difficult to see the other options. Difficult to “reset” the field. Now, if you blank it, you can search again.
1.1.0 (was released 16.11.2018)
Feature: Backend changed from app.di.no to ws.di.no to ensure higher availability. Config parameter serviceUrl deprecated, parameter baseUrl introduced.
1.0.9 (was released 05.11.2015)
New config option for distributionSupport: extendedTransportInfo
Bugfix: The geolocation-feature had some hickups in the caching, so it kept an old location forever
1.0.8 (was released 21.10.2015)
Get coordinates from the selected address. We have added coordinates (latitude/longitude) to the returned streetNumber-object
Possible to override floor-texts (better i18n-support, see config of floorTypes), as well as simplifying the wording: "Hovedetasje" -> "Etasje". Simply "Kjeller" and "Loft" (no need for number).
Introducing "Household Help Panel". A help-button when choosing the flat, to help the user to pick the "correct" flat (instructions and illustrations in a help panel). This panel can also be shown manually if you are not using the default skin. See also the method showHouseholdHelpPanel()
Introducing "Product Support" (coverage check). Gives insights to distribution-information. Can check if an address has access to i.e. newspaper-distribution. Will also show any access-problems the carrier has (broken key etc) or if the product is excluded from the address. See the distributionSupport-object in config
Using JSON (with CORS) instead of JSONP for most of the client-server communication (for easier development / problems with JSONP).
Fixing double-autocomplete in Chrome. Preventing Chrome from displaying it’s own autocomplete for the street-field (previous addresses user has entered) on top of Address Helper.
1.0.7 (was released 07.10.2015)
Show a tip (powersearch with GATENAVN, POSTSTED) if the street-list is long and the user starts scrolling it. Will only affect the default skin, but is also supported with custom DOM (.streetInputHint).
Fixed/enhanced the powersearch: GATENAVN, POSTSTED
1.0.6 (was released 10.09.2015)
Support for alternative street names (street alias). I.e. write “Bjølsen studentby” (unofficial name) and you will get “Moldegata” (official address)
Added Google Analytics tracker at initializing, start of interaction and complete address
Allow free address: Close streetnamelist when the user leaves the field
1.0.5 (was released 21.08.2015)
If the mouse click is outside the field, AddressHelper will select a street (only if there is only one street in the list)
Improved handeling of prepopulated addresses with several house types
Improved support for writing floor / apartment from a mobile phone
AddressHelper will make the user select a valid street and house number if "allowFreeForm == false” and input does not match any hits
New function (getSelectedFlatCode()) to retrieve formatted floor- and apartment info (eg. H0102)
Fixed a bug where auto complete did not reply on input from Chrome for Android
Fixed a bug where the message “More hits loading…” was appearing somewhat unstable
Fixed a bug where the street selector could return a lot of unaccurate hits
Styling: Default styling of .ah-incomplete at “ah-default-skin”
Styling: “not-allowed” cursor at zip-code and City / town to clarify readonly
1.0.16 (was released 12.03.2018)
Bugfix: Added proper URI-encoding for geolocation
1.0.15 (was released 30.01.2018)
Bugfix: parseAddress() and parseStreetAddressAndZipCity() now handles nordic characters (æøå) correctly
Bugfix: isComplete() now handles floors with floorNo 0 (used in Sweden)
1.0.14 (was released 13.12.2017)
When reading from localstorage or cookie, use deliverypointid to initialize the address if possible
1.0.13 (was released 07.09.2017)
Bugfix: Calls to backend did not match RFC 1738. Curly braces were not url-encoded.
Feature: Introduced a new config, showClear, that will enable an clear-icon for each field in the default-skin. See examples.
1.0.12 (was released 25.06.2016)
Feature: expanded address object with name and C/O and using name in distributionSupport for better matching
1.0.11 (was released 03.06.2016)
Feature: Labels are now shown in the language for the configured country (SE, FI, NO)
1.0.10 (was released 08.02.2016)
Bugfix: iOS + Safari fail to use localStorage when using private browsing
Bugfix: AddressHelper would sometimes get stuck searching for streets when scrolling to the bottom of a search result
Bugfix: TypeError
Feature: added two new events - populateSuccededEvent and populateFailedEvent